Farewell Mike Raymond

This morning as I woke from my overnight slumber and dreams my bedside radio told me the saddest news,Mike Raymond Mr. Speedway known to many of us had passed away.

Mike Raymond was a giant in the Motorsport Commentary and Speedway Management field. There will be lots of tributes from all those inside Speedway and Motorsports, but my tribute is from that of just a Speedway and Touring Car fan in Australia.

Mr. Raymond gave us color, lots of information as he introduced local and international drivers to us live at the Speedway or through his many interesting Newspaper columns and across our televisions screens and the radio dial.

A Big Man, big in his knowledge and support of Speedway always immaculately dressed. To me and many others you were and will always be Mr. Speedway. Thank you for your work from the inside of the Tracks.

This current journey will be at a slower pace ,rest in peace Mr Raymond

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