Well Speedway fans Christmas 2021 has past us by in a flash and a new year is ahead of us. Big Speedway events are getting ready and hopefully that dreaded COVID fear will be soaked up by all the excitement of these coming events.
It has been so tough for many so let us look forward and for me personally the opening of the new Eastern Creek Speedway in Western Sydney is the one thing that is starting to make he hair on the back of my neck stand up in anticipation. The Government said they would build it and they have!
I will post some up to date photos of Eastern Creek in a day or so ,keep connected but in the meantime to wet your appetite here are some snaps from across the other side of Australia from the recent action at Borderline Speedway in Mount Gambier South Australia courtesy of our Snapper Steve Walters of Snappertrific Photography. visit him on Facebook

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