Sweet victory for Veal & Krikke in the Apple Isle

Sweet victory for Veal and Krikke in the Apple Isle

The Jamie Veal /Krikke Motorsports combination has had what can only be described as average start to their racing relationship and the trip across Bass Straight would offer the Team the opportunity to throw off the gremlins that have that have hung around the Team for most of the season .Night one at Latrobe and those nasty gremlin crept back into the pits and Veal suffered from  more racing accidents and ended up driving with a racecar that was not straight. Veal finished 9th after starting 19th.

Night two , guess someone got rid of that nasty Gremlin as The Veal/Krikke combination started the night with authority and after all the preliminaries ended  the Team had won pole  for the A main.

Back on form Veal ran the A main flag to flag on a track taking rubber. A great return to form with some good racing luck and that play a massive part in the end result. Hard work, determination and the ability to brave the challenges that have face the West Aussie Team.have have ended in victory lane .

Following Veal across the stripe was night one winner Darren Mollenoyux with Brad Keller getting the final spot on the podium.

The final night on the Apple Isle will see the World Series Teams roll into Hobart Speedway for the final night of the “Devils Swing “ before the Teams head back to the Mainland for the start of the Western Swing and the final 4 Shows

Pic: Krikke Motorsports and WSS

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